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As part of community building, Old First ushers are the first people to greet all those who arrive, and provide a welcome to Old First Church on Sundays and at other key events during the calendar year (Christmas, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter ). The ushering team provides not only a welcome to all, but the ushers also provide church information to visitors and members alike including distributing the friendship pads and worship bulletins.

The ushering team at Old First is always happy to welcome new people interested in serving as ushers on Sunday mornings. Four ushers work each Sunday, and ushers sign up for a schedule that fits their own calendars. The job is easy, it's fun, it allows you to meet visitors and members alike at Old First.

If you would like to learn about ushering, please contact Sarah Taber at (415) 771-3358 or email Sarah at

Come join us and be a part of the welcoming team!