How to Volunteer at OFPC
Old First members, friends, and visitors can put faith into action in many ways—from a few hours to an ongoing commitment. Our community ministries make a direct difference to our neighbors, and always need volunteers—especially the Senior Center on Mondays, the Food Pantry on Saturday mornings, and the Community Dinners every second and fourth Saturday. Members also participate in special mission projects and service opportunities through the congregation's Peace and Justice Committee and Central Garden's Convalescent Hospital.
All of the local ministries we support also invite volunteers. Please see the program descriptions and individual program sites for more information.
Church members and friends also volunteer in many ways within the congregation—including helping in the church office, ushering for worship services, serving at coffee hours or fellowship events, singing in the choir, and the like.
Call our Church Office Administrator for more information or to be connected to the right person for your area of interest.